
Freelance PHP Developer

About me

I’m an enthusiastic PHP backend developer with 5 years of experience, eager to learn more every day. I lean towards Laravel to build applications, though I also have some experience using Symfony and Yii. In my spare time I like to experiment with other languages. For example, using Swift to build iOS apps.

I like working in scrum teams, and I prefer remote work. On-site is negotiable, depending on location. I perform the best when I have some uninterrupted time to myself, in order to properly focus on the task at hand.
Once you get to know me, you’ll realise there’s much more to me than the woman behind her laptop. Sports and creative outlets, concerts and movies are all favourite pastimes of mine.

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Freelance PHP Developer

September 2022 - Current
Stack: PHP, Laravel, Symfony

Development of applications as freelancer for customers and diverse own projects.


Fullstack Developer

October 2020 - July 2022
Stack: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, BitBucket, AWS

Development and improvement of the OrderBuddy system, that offers ways to take and process orders (both online and on-site) for restaurants. Also developed an online reservation system for a surprising dinner.

Online Afspraken B.V.

Fullstack Developer

October 2019 - April 2020
Stack: PHP, Yii, MySQL, SVN

Development of a Online Afspraken system completely customizable for a big customer. Besides that, I created multiple features in the standard Online Afspraken system

iFresh Software Development

Fullstack Developer

November 2018 - August 2019
Stack: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Git, FileMaker

Responsible for building diverse sites and webshops, with Laravel in the spotlight. My focus was on Backend development, connecting to FileMaker databases. I occasionally build Frontend from designs.

Pincode Telenet

Fullstack Developer

November 2017 - April 2018
Stack: PHP, Yii, MySQL, Bootstrap, Git

Together with the WOM-team (Work Order Manager), I created new features to the application. Improvements were also part of my tasks

Treshold Automatisering

Graduation Internship Developer

November 2016 - April 2017
Stack: PHP, Shopware, Smarty, ePages, CSS, HTML

In this internship, I've been responsible for building multiple webshops. Part of this was handeling customer requests and translating design to code


MBO Utrecht

MBO Utrecht ICT Academia

Webdesign/Application Management/Gamedevelopment level 4

2014 - 2017

Graduated in September of 2017, I finished in a record tempo of 3 years instead of 4. This made me the youngest person to graduate from the ICT Academia on my level. My focus was laid on Webdesign, with a big interest on web architecture.

Lek en Linge

O.R.S Lek & Linge

HAVO/VWO Profile: Nature & Science

2010 - 2014

Course package with the profile: Math level B, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics and Art.




Robin Steeneken

Software Developer and Agile enthusiast

Mariëlle is a enthusiastic and connected developer, she really wants to know the hat and it's brim. She has a constant drive to improve herself, and with that, she has the potential to keep a team young and curious. On personal levels, she is pleasant and the 'queen of memes'.

Ron Tuinenburg

IT and Innovation Director @ PTI

Mariëlle is a good Developer, she is very eager to learn and her strengths will come to use in diverse development teams in a company. In the period she worked at PTI, I've got to know her as a silent force with a drive to reach for higher levels of skills. Mariëlle has no 9-5 mentality and is a real asset in a development team.

Contact me!

If you wish to contact me, you can do so through LinkedIn or e-mail. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you want to know more.